Thursday, May 5, 2011

11th hour

Human are selfish that we take everything for granted by wasting out nature resources cutting downing trees, and never consider of the serious consequences behind it. The recourses that we have on earth are very limited, if we waste it all then have we ever thought about what going to be left over for our future generations?

Many of us are familiar with the term ‘global warming’ but how many of us really understand the serious impact behind it when increase average temperature of air leads to the melting of ice in North Pole. Can we picture ourselves living under ice water? Many of us choose to avoid this question because they don’t know how close this are is heading towards us. The documentary video suggest many species has extinct in the world due to the inconsiderable human behavior, however if we still continue our way of treating earth humans will be facing distinctions as well. Because we are not the special case, when comes punishment by the nature no one is escapable.

I was very glad to see many designers are very much aware of the global warming issues. Looking around my house I can see solar power has been introduce, eco friendly bag, and natural gas car is another invention. All of those invention help to extend the life of earth but it’s barely enough.

Designers should be under a lot of pressured in protecting the earth. Designer should only design superior products that dose the minimum damage to the environment. When product designing always double question the product come comes, whether is eco friendly? Recyclable? Have I pushed to extend the life span as much as I could? ect, an irresponsible design is when a product waste more materials than it should, short usage and this is another way to increase a level of pollutions.

We are very lucky that we got the concept of ‘sustainability’ nailed in to our brain. I believe every one of us should understand the philosophy indeed and use every knowledge we learnt in university and embraces it to our future product.

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